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Wednesday, October 22, 2008


sekarang jam enam pagi.
nanti gue ada kelas jam sembilan.
gue gak bisa tidur.
gak bisa konsen bikin tugas.
jadi gue ga ngapa-ngapain.

i blame the coffee that i took tonight.
who knew that it would backfire and torture me this way?

i'm declaring a war against coffee.
my ex-love.

i have two classes later.
advertising and visual studies.
i've no idea what to do.
i'm just praying that i'll have enough brainpower to think and work.
and i'll be working in the workshop.
if i don't get my mind straightened out, i might cut off a finger or something (KNOCKS WOOD).

serius, dari tadi teh jantung berdebar-debar tanpa sebab.
gak bisa istirahat.
tersiksa, man.

hmmm sepertinya gue sudah mulai cape.
tidur ah.
hopefully i can get about 2,5 hours sleep before class.
