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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
nah sekarang! 1:36 AM

sekarang colleague di meja sebelahku mulai bersin juga.

merasa bersalah takut nularin orang. tapi gue meler kan karena alergi, bukan karena virus!

dan lagi, dari tadi gue bersin pake tisue, tidak membuka mulut, ditutup dengan tangan, dan gue tidak ada kontak fisik dengan colleague di sebelah sama sekali kok.

i hope she gets better soon.

and me too.


deskripsi diriku saat ini 1:27 AM

sekarang jam 4.27 sore, dan aku berada di kantor.

dari tadi pagi yang gue kerjain cuma mengganti warna iklan, dari colour ke b&w and spot colour. sisanya... bengong. main facebook sembunyi-sembunyi. cetink sembunyi-sembunyi, berusaha menahan ketawa setengah mati gara2 siicengek. trus bengong lagi.

gue cek email 10 mnit sekali, berharap ada update ato apa yang bisa membuat gue sibuk sejenak. menunggu email dr manager yang ga dateng-dateng. haduuuuhhh.

dan sekarang, yang terus menerus gue lakukan dengan konsisten dari tadi pagi adalah MELER.

sumpedeh ini meler ngga berenti2. ngga tau ya, kayaknya ac-nya kedinginan. tangan gue dingin sekarang, kaki gue dingin dan kesemutan sekarang, kepala gue senut-senut sekarang, gue bernafas dari mulut sekarang... what a miserable day!

sebetulnya gue lagi menunggu orang lain untuk mulai kerja. see, gue ditugaskan untuk suatu project berdua dgn intern yang lain. tp intern yang satu lagi sibuk terus dari tadi. trus tadi dia bilang, "got nothing to do right?" "YEAAA," said i, "ok, just keep quiet." katanya.

so i keep quiet lorrrr. i'm not saying a word. tapi jari-jariku mengetik dengan berisik dr td. salahkan keyboard mac yang keras ini. untung tadi pas lunch break ada si jger jeslin ika dan geboy, mereka lagi makan di nihon mura di deket sini. jd gue nimbrung. tp pas jalan, sempet kena gerimis sejenak, jadi makin parah aja melernya.

haduuuuuiiiii jam 6 cepetan dong dateeeeng!

then after work, i need to meet with jindy before LM to discuss outreach.


Monday, May 11, 2009
hih. cycling, sort of. 9:00 AM

some people are just so uptight.

let it loose laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

anyway today i went cycling with my classmates. SORT OF. i sort of cannot cycle, and the whole way i just rode in a double bike behind jeger. GEGEGEGE. we went cycling in east coast, and we cycled for two hours until my thighs felt so stiff.


but cycling was awesomely fun. forgive me for being so uncool about it, but this is the first time i ever felt so close to actually riding a bike and enjoying the wind in my hair! east coast park was a nice place, with a sort-of-beach on our right side and tall, towering trees on our left side.

then tomorrow is back to work for me.

beruang suka makan madu bekerjasama dengan madu untuk menyerang monyet.
monyetcantik diserang dari dua arah.
paranormal/dukun hanya bersorak untuk monyet dari samping.

Saturday, May 9, 2009
laskar pelangi 11:14 AM

i've just finished watching the movie on youtube.

dan sungguh hatiku terkesima menyaksikan indonesia. film yang powerful banget, membuka mata setiap dari kita, dan membongkar segenap emosi yang ada.

film ini membuat gue belajar menghargai hal-hal kecil. membuat kita teringat apa makna dari berjuang buat impian kita. bahwa sungguh, iman dan kemauan cukup untuk membuat dunia kita bergerak.

gue terkagum sama keindahan indonesia. film ini bisa menangkap setiap detail yang penting dari jaman itu, kayak kapur merk harimau, piala penghargaan, piagam yang ditulisin pake pena kaligrafi... these little items brought life into the film. gue terkagum melihat alam indonesia yang sesungguhnya, yang mungkin selama ini ga sempet kita lihat.

i've read books, i've seen pictures of the indonesian beauty. but really, moving image is different, yeah?

kapan saat terakhir gue bisa berhenti terburu-buru, dan berjalan menikmati alam sekitar?

sometimes taking a walk in the morning helps to put life in perspective.

i've realized, in singapore, i'm always in a hurry. i stopped enjoying myself like i used to, as if spending time for myself and my friends is a luxury i won't be able to afford. i've set goals, with time limits, and my life runs from one accomplishment to next accomplishment. you know what i mean?

i wake up in the morning thinking what i want to do.
i need to get this done. then i need to rush here. then i need to do this.
and sometimes i can't even be bothered to slip a stupid grin when somebody cracks a joke.

come on.
i don't want to be pathetic, okay.

i want life to take full shape.

i want to appreciate everything, i want to be thankful for everything, i want to have fun.
i want to be wise, too, of course.

so what now?

kate moross is a queen. 10:04 AM

so i stumbled upon her tonight. kate moross is a graphic designer and illustrator based in london.

she's just super awesome--she is twenty two but she has loads of amazing portfolio work. i love her style--psychedelic hand lettering and isometric shapes combined.

most of her work that she did is for bands and clubs. which made me think. i am so not a clubbing person. but i love club-artwork. hehehe. i think it's just fancy and awesome.

and she inspired me to get myself a sketchbook and some sketch pens.
ok, note to self.
must buy sketchbook and pens for instant doodling.

btw i just started my internship at draftfcb yesterday.
it began with kind of a slow start.
i dunno what to expect yet. i just want to learn as much as i can, and HAVE FUN at the same time, you know.

ok, going back to watching laskar pelangi now.
tonight some of my friends went to see friday the 13th. but i bailed, cos methinks it's a waste of time. heheh.